Mr IssacAlfred Isaac Sr. is employed as an HVAC Service Tech by Lambert’s Heating and Air Conditioning Company, and he also owns his own company, Alfred’s A/C, Heating and Refrigeration, LLC.  Alfred is the owner, operator and CEO, and the work that he performs in the field reflects on how he paid attention in school.

Alfred knows that the HVAC program was a great learning experience for him, especially the hands on training.  The teachers were hard and strict because they understood what it was going to take for Alfred to reach his goals.  The instructors, Mr. Jerry Meek and Mr. Glenn Gobert, made sure Alfred learned the basics of electricity, the components and how they operate.  He also learned how to make his own ductwork and gained the critical hands on experience that built his confidence. Alfred states, “Confidence is everything in this field. My career is the best in the world. I love to help people, fix things no one else can figure out, run from job to job finding and fixing different problems and broadening my knowledge. Most of all, I love l making people cold when they are HOT.... How you do your work reflects whether you love what you do or you just do it for a check.”

Alfred entered the HVAC program because his drive, his passion and his kids made him want more out of life. He wanted a stable and essential job where he would never worry about anything. The teachers made him work and learn.  He is glad for that because he didn't want anything easy.  He wanted the problems that made him scratch his head and think.  That approach worked because now that he is working in the field, it is a breeze.  Alfred wants others to know that this is a very lucrative and exciting field that has positive things and challenging things. The positives are that when you do great work, you will never be broke again.  Also, you are more than an HVAC Tech; you are a plumber, carpenter, and an electrician - 4 trades in one.

The challenges are: HEAT, HEAT, and more HEAT.   

Alfred shares this advice to those thinking about an HVAC career:

  1. Have a passion and love what you do.
  2. This is an adventurous field, you will not be bored.
  3. Love the heat because that's what keeps you in business and keeps you employed.
  4. Do not take school lightly because what you put in school is what you will get out of school. The teachers are there to teach, not babysit.
  5. When you don't understand, say something and try staying after school for one on one help to get ahead.  That is what I did, and it worked.
  6. Never take shortcuts and always stick to the basics as short cuts lead to call backs.  Call backs don’t look good, and they are time consuming.
  7. In this field you don't come in making a lot all at once, and your skill level is what proves that you are worthy of making what you desire and deserve. Your destiny is in your own hands.
  8. Treat customers with respect, even the difficult ones. Some customers are not going to be so nice, so be prepared.
  9. Calls will be coming left and right.  Manage your time and body and know your limits because attics are extremely hot.  Hydrate yourself and stay safe.
  10. Trust in God and all things are possible, and smiles on customer faces are irreplaceable.
  11. Last, but not least, help as many people as you can and never settle for being an employee, strive to be a your own boss.

Alfred states, “I love my job and the school that prepared me for my career. I would not change it. Thank you BRCC, Jerry Meek, Glenn Gobert, and Mrs. Johnson for everything you have done for me.  I am so grateful.”