Baton Rouge Community College's Strategic Plan for 2023-2028 is shown below. A Planning and Effectiveness process supports the Goals of the Strategic Plan through annual development of Unit Objectives and Action Plans, Assessment, and Improvement. The Unit Institutional Effectiveness (UIE) Form is the instrument each administrative unit of the College will use in the annual Planning and Effectiveness process.
BRCC's Mission
The mission of Baton Rouge Community College is to be the preferred provider of talent for a global marketplace.
BRCC's Vision
To be the leader in providing world-class educational opportunities for our community. World class is:
- Excellence in teaching
- Access for all
- A sustaining resource for the economic development of the State of Louisiana
BRCC's Value Proposition
Baton Rouge Community College provides excellent value to our students, business and industry partners, and community. Our graduates’ average starting salary is $46,300 and we provide a $297 million annual impact on the Greater Baton Rouge and State of Louisiana economies.
Pillar 1: Student Success
Ensure our students are highly skilled and prepared to gain employment in high-wage and high-demand employment fields.
- Create a value proposition for students that includes inclusive and equitable solutions, access, and life-changing opportunities.
- Deliver excellent services and learning experiences that build intentional relationships with students to positively shape their personal and professional lives.
- Be responsive and agile to offer quality education and training, and educational models to serve market and industry demands.
- Improve equitable access and support for persistence and completion for marginalized groups in programs that lead to high-wage and high-demand employment.
Pillar 2: Employee Success
Recruit, hire, and onboard qualified and mission-committed employees. Develop pathways to advancement that support employees to continuously grow and develop personally and professionally in their field, to live the mission of the institution to connect to their purpose and to believe that the work that they do is meaningful.
- Intentionally cultivate a work environment where employees are valued, engaged, and empowered to lead the way for making a difference for student success and for achieving BRCC distinction.
- Invest in the growth and advancement of the employee experience and work environment to create an inclusive, equitable, and engaging experience.
- Recruit, onboard, develop, and recognize high-value employees.
Pillar 3: Financial and Operational Sustainability
Design a contemporary business model to strategically invest in innovative and creative learning and training opportunities, engaging employee experiences, and equitable systems, policies, and practices.
- Create affordable, high-quality education and training opportunities and demonstrate return on investment for all students, employees, and community partners.
- Be vigilant, agile, and flexible to grow funding sources and alternative revenue streams to advance and modernize learning, training, and working spaces.
- Cultivate sustainable financial resources by growing the Foundation, developing alternative revenue streams, and expanding investments.
Pillar 4: Quality Communication
Share information so that the right message gets to the right people, in a timely way for consensus building, decision-making, and/or action.
- Develop processes, definitions, and expectations for professional, consistent, and timely communication.
- Develop standards and processes for sharing key institutional communication with internal and external stakeholders.
- Create systems of communication that are inclusive of all stakeholders including students, employees, alumni, communities, and business/industry.
Strategic Actions
- Student Success, Financial and Operational Sustainability: Develop, resource, and execute a plan to increase student retention and completion.
- Student Success: Advance and grow a network of local business partners to provide sustained and funded experiential learning and “Earn as You Learn” opportunities.
- Student Success: Analyze market data and feedback from employers to refine current programs and construct new training and learning certificates/majors.
- Student Success: Ensure all courses have engaging content and support student success aligned to retention, persistence, and completion.
- Employee Success: Identify and remove barriers to a positive employee experience, where employees find their work meaningful.
- Employee Success: Develop institution-wide systems that support development and creative opportunities.
- Employee Success: Focus on achieving individual employee excellence with focus on the diversity of people, experiences, and thought.
- Financial and Operational Sustainability: Sustain, build, and prioritize funding for high-demand programs.
- Financial and Operational Sustainability: Identify, develop, and nurture alternative revenue streams.
- Quality Communication: Develop a two-way communication process across all units and with the executive leadership team.
- Quality Communication: Develop standards for respectful, professional internal and external communication expectations.