After the eligible postsecondary institution has met the “Required Uses of Funds” and completed the Required Uses of Funds Checklist, an eligible recipient may use funds -- 

  1. To involve parents, businesses, and labor organizations, as appropriate, in the design, implementation, and evaluation of CTE programs authorized under this title, including establishing effective programs and procedures to enable informed and effective participation in such programs;
  2. To provide “career guidance and academic counseling” or those services which provide the student (and parent, as appropriate) access to information regarding career awareness and planning, including financial aid, with respect to an individual’s occupational and academic future;
  3. To establish local education and business partnerships to include-
    1. work-related experiences for students, such as internships, cooperative education, school-based enterprises, entrepreneurship, and job shadowing that are related to CTE programs;
    2. adjunct faculty arrangements for qualified industry professionals; and
    3. industry experience for teachers and faculty;
  4. To provide programs for “special populations”;
  5. To assist “career and technical student organizations”. The term “career and technical student organization” means an organization for individuals enrolled in a CTE program that engages in CTE activities as an integral part of the instructional program.
  6. For mentoring and support services. The term ‘support services’ means services related to curriculum modification, equipment modification, classroom modification, supportive personnel, and instructional aids and devices;
  7. For leasing, purchasing, upgrading, or adapting equipment, including instructional aids and publications (including support for library resources) designed to strengthen and support academic and technical skill achievement;
  8. For teacher preparation programs that address the integration of academic and CTE and that assist individuals who are interested in becoming CTE teachers and faculty, including individuals with experience in business and industry;
  9. To develop and expand postsecondary program offerings at times and in formats that are accessible for students, including working students, including through the use of distance education;
  10. To develop initiatives that facilitate the transition of sub-baccalaureate CTE students into baccalaureate degree programs;
  11. To provide activities to support entrepreneurship education and training;
  12. For improving or developing new CTE courses, including the development of new proposed career and technical programs of study for consideration by the eligible agency and courses that prepare individuals academically and technically for high-skill, high-wage, or high-demand occupations and dual or concurrent enrollment opportunities by which CTE students at the secondary level could obtain postsecondary credit to count towards an associate or baccalaureate degree;
  13. To develop and support small, personalized career-themed learning communities;
  14. To provide support for family and consumer sciences programs;
  15. To provide CTE programs for adults and school dropouts to complete the secondary school education, or upgrade the technical skills of the adults and school dropouts;
  16. To provide assistance to individuals who have participated in services and activities under this Act in continuing their education or training or finding an appropriate job;
  17. To support training and activities (such as mentoring and outreach) in nontraditional fields;
  18. To provide support for training programs in automotive technologies;
  19. To pool a portion of such funds with a portion of funds available to not less than one (1) other eligible recipient for innovative initiatives, which may include:
    1. improving the initial preparation and professional development of CTE teachers, faculty, administrators, and counselors;
    2. establishing, enhancing, or supporting systems for-
      1. accountability data collection under this Act; or
      2. reporting data under this Act;
    3. implementing technical assessments; and
  20. To support other CTE activities that are consistent with the purpose of this Act.